Inbar Huberman-Spiegelglas

I am a postdoctoral researcher, working with Prof. Tomer Michaeli.
I completed my PhD in Computer Science at the Hebrew University in 2022, under the supervision of Prof. Raanan Fattal.
I received my M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Hebrew University in 2014.
My research interests include image generation, object recognition, image manipulations and perception.

Email: inbarhub [at]



"Slicedit: Zero-Shot Video Editing With Text-to-Image Diffusion Models Using Spatio-Temporal Slices"

Nathaniel Cohen*, Vladimir Kulikov*, Matan Kleiner*, Inbar Huberman-Spiegelglas, and Tomer Michaeli

International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2024

[project page] [arxiv][code]

"An Edit Friendly DDPM Noise Space: Inversion and Manipulations"

Inbar Huberman-Spiegelglas, Vladimir Kulikov, and Tomer Michaeli

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024

[project page] [arxiv] [code]

"Discovering Interpretable Directions in the Semantic Latent Space of Diffusion Models"

René Haas, Inbar Huberman-Spiegelglas, Rotem Mulayoff, and Tomer Michaeli

International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) 2024

[arxiv] [code] (coming soom)

"Single Image Object Counting and Localizing using Active-Learning"

Inbar Huberman-Spiegelglas and Raanan Fattal

IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2022

[project page] [arxiv] [code]

"Unpaired Learning for High Dynamic Range Image Tone Mapping"

Yael Vinker, Inbar Huberman-Spiegelglas and Raanan Fattal

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2021

[project page] [arxiv] [code]

"Detecting Repeating Objects using Patch Correlation Analysis"

Inbar Huberman and Raanan Fattal

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2016

[project page] [arxiv] [code]

"Reducing Lateral Visual Biases in Displays"

Inbar Huberman and Raanan Fattal

Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) 2015

[project page] [arxiv]



Machine Learning and Computer Vision Lecterur at Ydata - 2019-present

Machine Learning and Computer Vision Lecterur at ITC - Spring 2018

Introduction to Image Processing - Fall 2016, 2015 and 2014

Object Oriented Programming - Spring 2014